
DJ on “I F-ing Need To Talk To You!” podcast

Tuesday, September 28th, 2021 | 2021 Election, Calgary, Politics

DJ recently appeared on the “I F-ing Need To Talk To…” podcast with hosts Russell Stratton and Ken Cameron.

“I’m excited to share a conversation with Ward 4 candidate and brilliant polymath DJ Kelly. I’ve always been energized by my conversations with this dude and I’m so excited to be able to capture this one for you. It’s hard to select any single tidbit to share as a vehicle to entice you: I basically just want to cut and a transcript of the whole thing. But this is the summary our assistant offered:

“DJ shares some F***ing Leadership Lessons from City Administration, Community Building and And Baseball. all of which boils down to this: “if you don’t like it, pitch better”.”

To figure what he means by the enigmatic last statement you’ll have to give the podcast a listen!”

Listen here: